EM13RACE develops well-fitting comfortable clothing designed specifically for those part of the limb different community which is fulfilling a need that has not been made yet.

Multimedia collage


Adaptive Clothing for men, women, and children with limb differences or amputations... 

  • Why I started EM13RACE

    EM13RACE is something that is inspired off of my own personal experience as a member of the limb different community. I would always hide my "nub" from people whether it was with my sleeve or behind my back in pictures. EM13RACE is a movement to encourage your natural look to instill confidence in those living with a limb difference everyday.

  • My Soccer Career

    Growing up my parents always encouraged me to do things despite my difference. I found this to be extremely beneficial as I have gotten older because I am more confident in the things that I am doing. I have played soccer my entire life and now have the honor to represent the United States of America on the U.S. Women's National Amputee Soccer Team as one of the teams goalkeepers and captains.

  • Find your Community

    EM13RACE is a community that is establishing a common goal of reaching full human potential by starting with the clothes you put on in the morning. Becoming part of the EM13RACE community is beyond a top or a bottom, it's a lifestyle

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Join the EM13RACE Family of 46k members

Follow the Tiktok page that is linked below for limb different tutorials and content. Become part of the EM13RACE family and become one of our 46k members! Youtube coming soon!
